Pleiades and Atlantis Atlantis means “Daughter of Atlas,” and theAtlantides, or Pleiades, were seven daughters fathered by him. Like the kings listed by Plato, they correspond, through their individual myths, to actual places within the Atlantean sphere of influence, and thereby help to illustrate the story of that vanished empire. The souls of the Pleiades were transformed into the constellation by which they are known because of their great services to mankind in siring the culture-bearers of post-deluge civilizations. They were known around the world for their culture-creating sons by numerous peoples who never knew of each other, but who nevertheless experienced a common impact from Atlantean survivors. Even the remote tribes of Java preserve a tradition that tells how one of the Pleiades mated with a mortal man to sire the human race. Atlas’ consort was Pleione, from the Greek word, pleio, “to sail,” appropriately enough, because the constellation of the Pleiades is part...
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