Português / English: SINASTRIA AMOROSA PELA NUMEROLOGIA Preço: 17 Euros - Portugal / 18 Dollars -Resto do Mundo / 75 Reais -Brasil (Desconto) Preciso apenas das datas de nascimento (dia, mês, ano) das pessoas a serem estudadas em sinastria. Faço uma análise geral da relação a nível de compatibilidade, com previsão a nível de destino, missão e karma conjunto. O que podem esperar um do outro e da relação. Trabalho com a ajuda da Numerologia Kármica e do Tarot Egipcio. Trabalho à distância com envio de relatório por escrito. Português / English: LOVE SYNASTRIE THROUGH NUMEROLOGY Price: 17 Euros / 18 Dollars I only need the birth dates (day, month, year) of people to be studied in synastry. I do a general analysis of the relationship at the level of compatibility, with prediction at the level of destiny, mission and joint karma. What can they expect from each other and from the relationship. I work with the help of Karmic Numerology and the Egyptian Tarot. Distant reading with submission...
A mostrar mensagens de junho, 2022
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� Portuguese / English: � CONSULTAS DE TERAPIA MULTIDIMENSIONAL PLEIADIANA, A CURA PELO CORAÇÃO, EM SESSÕES À DISTÂNCIA PARA TODO O PLANETA � � É uma terapia energética que, respeitando a lei do livre arbítrio, atua através do chacra cardíaco, permitindo a cura dos quatro corpos e trabalhando com as energias do amor, da paz e do perdão. � É uma terapia de elevação da consciência, onde o terapeuta atua como um canal, como sendo uma ferramenta energética, o cuidado pode ser feito à distância. � A primeira sessão pode chegar a 1h30, sendo uma conversa para esclarecer as necessidades do paciente e depois cerca de 50 minutos em que a cura funciona, por fim o terapeuta e o paciente trocam como se sentiram durante a sessão. As sessões seguintes duram cerca de 1:00 horas, o número de sessões depende da necessidade de cada cliente. �PLEIADIAN MULTIDIMENSIONAL THERAPY, THE HEART HEALING, IN DISTANCE SESSIONS FOR THE WHOLE PLANET� It's an energy therapy that, respecting the law of free ...
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NUMEROLOGIA KÁRMICA DO AMOR SINASTRIA AMOROSA PELA NUMEROLOGIA Preço: 15 Euros - Portugal / (Desconto - 50 Reais - Brasil) Preciso apenas das datas de nascimento (dia, mês, ano) das pessoas a serem estudadas. Faço uma análise geral da relação a nível de compatibilidade, com previsão a nível de destino, missão e karma conjunto. O que podem esperar um do outro e da relação, Trabalho com a ajuda da Numerologia Kármica e do Tarot Egipcio.
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English / Português Lyra is the 12th dimensional star-gate. It is the gateway to higher dimensions outside of the 12 dimensional energy matrix of which the Earth is part. Currently the Earthy exits within a three dimensional wave form pattern of energy. The first dimension relates to the inner Earth kingdom and the second dimension to the Great Central Sun. Star-gates or inter-dimensional energy portals have been progressively opening and allowing ever higher dimensional energy into Earths atmosphere since January 2000. These star-gates will continue to progessively open until December 2012, affecting the Earths energy fields and preparing the Earth grids for a shift to a fifth dimensional energy patterning. These star gates are: 4th dimension Sun or Sol 5th dimension Pleiades 6th dimension Sirius 7th dimension Arcturus 8th dimension Orion 9th dimension Andromeda 10th dimension Lyra/Vega 11th dimension Lyra/Vega 12th dimension Lyra The purpose of embodied souls on Earth is to re...
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Blue Ray's souls are incarnate humans on Earth, who originally came from other planets and dimensions. Similar to indigos, they are extremely empathetic and sensitive. Since there isn't much information about these souls (at least not as much as I'd like), I thought I'd go to Akáshicos Records to find out more information about them and the purpose of being here. First, I was told that all the souls of the Blue Rays on Earth are now over 30 years old. It has also been confirmed that Blue Ray's souls are stellar seeds - they have passed their first incarnations on other planets. What types of stellar seeds are Blue Ray Souls? According to the Akashic Registry, the souls of the Blue Rays spent their first lives in the Pleiades, Nihal, Sirius, Mintaka, Arcturus and in other dimensions. I was also told that anyone who is a Blueprinter soul can also be a Blue Ray soul. What does this mean to you... If you are a Pleiadian soul, Nihal, Siriana, Mintakan, Arcturiana or Bl...
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THE 12 ASTRAL DIMENSIONS 12th - Founders ‘Elohim’ Light 11th - Collective consciousness Light packets 10th - Collective consciousness Light packets 9th - Collective consciousness Light codes 8th - Group Soul DNA Keys 7th - Individual Souls DNA Molecules 6th - Individual Souls DNA Molecules 5th - Individual Souls DNA Molecules 4th - Individual Souls DNA Molecules 3rd - Individual Souls DNA Molecules 2nd - Plant, lower animal and elemental kingdom 1st - Mineral kingdom
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English / Português: Here are the connection dates for some star systems: SOLAR SYSTEM ALIGNMENTS: Pleiades- 16 to 20 may (during the DAY) / 16 to 20 november (during the NIGHT) Orion- 3 to 21 june (during the DAY) / 3 to 21 december (during the NIGHT) Sirius- 4th to 6th july (during the DAY) / 4th to 6th january (during the NIGHT) Arcturus- 16 to 18 october (during the DAY) / 14 to 16 april (during the NIGHT) Lyra- 4 to 20 january (during the DAY) / 4 to 20 july (during the NIGHT) Andromeda - april 3 to may 3 (during the DAY) / october 3 to november 3 (during the night) Aqui ficam as datas das conexões para alguns sistemas estelares: ALINHAMENTOS DOS SISTEMAS SOLARES: Pleiades- 16 a 20 de Maio (durante o DIA) / 16 a 20 de Novembro (durante a NOITE) Orion- 3 a 21 de Junho (durante o DIA) / 3 a 21 de Dezembro (durante a NOITE) Sirius- 4 a 6 de Julho (durante o DIA) / 4 a 6 de Janeiro (durante a NOITE) Arcturus- 16 a 18 de Outubro (durante o DIA) /14 a 16 de Abril (duran...
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English /Português STARSSEDS RECLAIM CHRISTOS MISSION During this end evolution cycle that leads into the current Ascension timeline, many different variations of soul-spirit consciousness from a vast array of planets, galaxies and universes have joined the reincarnation cycle on 3D planet earth. Some are biologically organic future humans while others are not; yet, all have come in order to experience the shifting Consciousness fields on the 3D planet earth at this end cycle. These particular groups of soul-spirit beings that have incarnated in a 3D human body are referred to as Starseeds. Even though Starseeds hold more genetic memory from these future stations of identity, All is One and valued in its connection to the Eternal Source Creator. Starseeds have specific roles and a humanitarian spiritual mission based on the Law of One to help free the planetary soul from spiritual and energetic oppression enforced by the Negative Alien Agenda through the False Father God Religion...